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Guide for developer


Ensure that you have: - Golang - Docker - These packages installed: gpg pbuilder debootstrap devscripts curl reprepro


git clone && cd irgsh-go



You need to have a pair of GPG key in your GPG store. If you don't have one, please create it with gpg --generate-key. Check it by running gpg --list-key

$ gpg --list-key
pub   rsa4096 2020-10-17 [SC] [expires: 2021-10-17]
uid           [ultimate] Herpiko Dwi Aguno <>
sub   rsa4096 2020-10-17 [E] [expires: 2021-10-17]

Copy the key identity (in my case, it's the 41B4FC0A57E7F7F8DD94E0AA2D21BB5FAA32AF3F string) then paste it to replace GPG_SIGN_KEY in utils/config.yml

In dev environment, this single key will acts as both repository signing key and package maintainer signing key. On prod, they will be different keys.



You need to build then initialize the CLI client to point out to the chief and your signing key (see GPG Key section).

make client
./bin/irgsh-cli config --chief http://localhost:8080 --key 41B4FC0A57E7F7F8DD94E0AA2D21BB5FAA32AF3F


make builder-init

This command will: - Create pbuilder base.tgz that follow our configuration. This step need root privilege, you'll be asked for root password. - Create docker image that will be used to build packages.


make repo-init

This command will remove existing repositories if any and reinit the new one. You may be asked for your GPG key passphrase. You can tweak repository configuration in repo section of utils/config.yml


make redis

Starting up

Open three different terminal and run these command for each: - make chief occupying port 8080 - make builder, occupying port 8081 - make repo, occupying port 8082


Open the fourth terminal and try to submit dummy package using this command bellow:

./bin/irgsh-cli submit --experimental --source --package

You may be asked for your GPG key passphrase. You'll see the package preprared in this terminal, then in the chief terminal (job coordination), then in builder terminal (package building), then in repo terminal (package submission into the repository).

If all is well, you can see the result by opening http://localhost:8082/experimental/ on your web browser. At this point, you may start to hack.

Check the status of a pipeline

curl http://localhost:8080/api/v1/status?uuid=uuidstring

Test & Coverage

make test

It will test the code and open the coverage result on your browser.

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